You need reliable, fast and deliver your goods at a reasonable price?

EMB Logistics will provide you with everything in one place!

Services More informations

Offer services

Our transport company EMB Logistics offers our clients an individual approach, high quality, efficiency and safety of entrusted goods.

Road transport

International and domestic trucking by truck or delivery by van.

Ship maritime transportation

Reliable transport of your goods over longer distances at lower costs.


We will ensure the storage or re-storage of your goods in the premises of EMB logistics.


The safety of your goods is important to us, so we also offer you goods insurance

About us

EMB Logistics is mainly characterized by a professional approach to each client. We are a caring and responsible team of professional employees whose only goal is the satisfaction of our customers and we always try to ensure quality services in those tailor-made at the best prices

What we offer

Our transport company EMB-Logistics offers our clients an individual approach, high quality, efficiency and safety of entrusted goods.

EMB Logistics will ensure the delivery of the goods to their destination within Slovakia and other states within the entire international world

Without worries

Price offer

Write to us and we will prepare a price offer tailored to your requirements in the shortest possible time.